Steady light rain this evening. Showers continuing overnight. Potential for heavy rainfall. Low 71F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 70%..
Steady light rain this evening. Showers continuing overnight. Potential for heavy rainfall. Low 71F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 70%.
A look at what's going on this weekend-- and your Eastside weather forecast.
Echo Park: Gather your friends for an afternoon of board games at the Edendale Library's Well Played! Play classic and new games with players of all levels.
Boyle Heights: Check out the 1st annual Boyle Heights Beerfest in the parking lot of Rebelde Coffee and Tavern. Taste selections from eight breweries, sample food from Sazon Bros, and vibe with music from a DJ.
Highland Park: Get your tiki on and enjoy live music, food, film projections and tiki craft cocktails at the Tiki Cinema Party.
Los Feliz: Put Carrie Ann Baade's "Sawing a Woman in Half" solo-exhibit on your gallery-hopping list.
Eagle Rock: Learn the art of hand dyeing yarn with a fiber artist at the Center of the Arts for the Textile Arts: Hand-Dyed Yarn + Open Studio.
El Sereno: Celebrate Black Walnut Day with a tree plantings, hikes, workshops and a scavenger hunt at Ascot Hills Park.
Go here for details and more events
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