Ravenswood Recycled Teenagers | Jackson Star and Herald - Ripley and Ravenswood | wvnews.com

2022-08-20 04:49:43 By : Ms. Catherine Zhou

Except for a few afternoon clouds, mainly sunny. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High 88F. Winds light and variable..

Variably cloudy with scattered thunderstorms. Low 69F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 50%.

Ravenswood's Recycled Teenagers celebrated Christmas in August. 

Even the Grinch showed up for Christmas in August at the Ravenswood Senior Center. 

Ravenswood's Recycled Teenagers celebrated Christmas in August. 

Even the Grinch showed up for Christmas in August at the Ravenswood Senior Center. 

Instead of having Christmas in July, we had Christmas in August. On Aug 12 our dining room was decorated for Christmas. There was a small Christmas tree which there were wrapped packages underneath it for each senior in attendance. There were approximately 57 guests that came to the party. The party began with ornament-making kits and Christmas-themed puzzles. Next our choir director, Tony Reynolds, led the choir in a melody of classic Christmas songs. Everyone enjoyed their lunch and then the seniors who attended got to receive a Christmas gift. Several Seniors had fun trading their gifts with friends to get the one that better suited them.

There were three $25 Walmart gift cards and five lovely gift bags provided by Mari Jo Tadesco from RSVP. The winners of the gift cards were Bryan Schirmer, Cindy Knopp and Gene Cather. The winners of the gift bags were Freda Bourgeois, Carla Dean, Tony Reynolds, Bobbi Lucas, and Gene Brown. Congratulations to all.

At the Christmas party we had a 50/50 drawing toward our Alzheimer walk fundraiser that will be on September 25 at 2 p.m. Karen Stoops won the drawing, and we ended up with $100 toward the walk. We will be having more fundraisers. At the Harvest in the Wood we will be selling refreshments and raffling a quilt made by our own quilters toward this important cause.

Talking about our quilters, I watched them in action. Each one working on a certain job: cutting out the square blocks, sewing the blocks together, and knotting the blocks while in the quilt frames.

I talked to Shirley Pannell who has been with the quilters at the center since 1999. She gave praise to several quilters who are no longer with us. She appreciated Florence Butcher’s help in getting the room that they use. Everett Gentry loved to quilt. They miss Ruth Rhodes, who just celebrated her 100th birthday, quilting with them.

While we were talking, Shirley was crocheting a hat. They donate hats, quilts, doll afghans, clothes protectors (bibs) and drawstring bags to different organizations. Such as Lotrobe Mission in Parkersburg, Gabriel Project, Savannah’s Closet, burnout people and our local nursing homes, Ravenswood Village and Ravenswood Care Center. To be able to do this, Lois DeRito told me they have make a plan of action and apply for a grant and set up their goals for the year. Even with the grant they still need donations of polyester fabric, cotton print, yarn, crochet thread, and bedspread cotton thread. If you would like to donate any of these items, you can drop it off at the center.

They didn’t let COVID stop them during the lockdown. They kept up with their goals by working at home.

They enjoy socializing and working on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The ones working on this Tuesday were Ann Cather, who has volunteered since 2001, Deloris Nohe, Dorothy Canterbury, Gary Owens, Lois DeRito, Carol Puster and Shirley Pannell. Another regular is Richard Boyd. Thank you, guys, for your sewing talents.

Lunches are served Monday through Friday at 11 a.m. If you are feeling ill, please stay home and get well.

We are still selling local honey at the center and the pool. Cost is $9 a pint and $17 a quart.

The 90s party will be Aug. 23. Want to hear something funny? When I first heard about the 90s party, I thought they meant a 1990s theme party, not honoring our 90-plus-year-old members. Only I would think that!

Need more information about the center? Call 304-273-5648. Contact Kay Parsons at 304-372-3970 about our bus trips. Information about the Aquafit Pool, call 681-274-2597. Any information for me, call or text 304-377-5597.

Correction on the Drift Run Cemetery Homemade Ice Cream Social. I accidentally wrote last week that it starts at 3 p.m. It really starts at 4 p.m. until we run out of ice cream and hot dogs on Aug. 27.

The question asked this past Sunday, “Are you all in?”

John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

Hebrews 12:28 Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear.

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