Knitting and Crochet: Finding (and making!) Eco-Friendly Yarn

2022-08-27 02:51:35 By : Ms. Helen Liu

by Becky Striepe October 12, 2013, 7:00 am 2 Comments

If you’re a fiber artist, it could be difficult to track down yarns that are in line with your green crafty ideals. So much of the yarn on store shelves is synthetic (aka: made from petroleum) or made from dirty conventional cotton. You might feel like there are no good options out there for your knitting or crochet projects.

Despair no more! You can make your own recylced yarns, and there are lots of more sustainable yarn options for sale out there, too. I’ve rounded up a few different yarns that you can make or buy.

Of course, we don’t all have time to make yarn and then get onto our next craft project. If you’d rather buy your skeins of green yarn, read on!

The yarns I’m listing below are ones that you can find online, so you can add more sustainable options to your knitting or crochet products no matter where you live!

There is a question about how sustainable bamboo really is. Read this, and decide if bamboo fits into your definition of sustainability.

Disclosure: I am a vegan crafter, so my definition of sustainable yarn includes fibers that don’t exploit animals in any way. There are organic wool and organic silk yarns. I’m including a couple of options here, because I know that not all fiber artists eschew animal products, and organic products are at least better for animals than conventional ones.

I’d love to hear from the fiber artists out there! When you’re getting ready to get knitting or crocheting, what sustainable yarns do you like to use?

Image Credit: Yarn Globe photo via Shutterstock

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My name is Becky Striepe (rhymes with “sleepy”), and I am a crafts and food writer from Atlanta, Georgia with a passion for making our planet a healthier, happier, and more compassionate place to live. My mission is to make vegan food and crafts accessible to everyone!. If you like my work, you can also find me on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+.

Hi! I just wanted to point something out for any other readers like myself and Ms. Striepe who are vegan crafters. The link for “Think Bamboo” now leads to a listing for a yarn by BambooMN. That yarn is a combination of rayon from bamboo, wool, and “a touch of nylon,” according to the item description. So, it is NOT vegan yarn. In fact, with nylon in it, it’s really not sustainable, either. I thought a heads-up might help in case you’re like me and not always diligent about reading the details 😉 Namasté

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