• Benefits with new polyester recycling route

    by admin on 2022-09-10 05:26:28

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    Overcoming the difficulties encountered with dyes and reducing environmental load.

    Innovation in Textiles  |  Tokyo, Japan

    Sports/​Outdoor, Clothing/​Footwear, Sustainable


  • Recycled Polyester: Yay or Nay? - One Green Planet

    by admin on 2022-09-10 05:26:27

    Lemon and Pineapple Strawberry Swirl Cheesecake [Vegan, Gluten-Free]

    How To Make Homemade Pickles

    10 Tips for Making Vegan Bread Out of Any Recipe

    Animals Sun-bask for Survival as a Physiological Response to Climate Change

    Woman With Dairy Allergy Dies After Eating Wrap

  • 100% recycled cotton for Floreal

    by admin on 2022-09-10 05:26:22

    Receive our weekly Newsletter and set tailored daily news alerts.

    Saentis brings sustainable yarns to internationally recognised brands serviced by Floreal International.

    Knitting Industry  |  Mauritius

    Säntis Textiles is to supply 100% recycled cotto

  • 'Best job ever': Dominion woman's Rolling Yarn Shop saving grace during cancer battle | SaltWire

    by admin on 2022-09-10 05:26:10


    HOWIE CENTRE, N.S. — Tracy Stubbard had a two per cent chance the medication she was taking for Crohn's disease would cause cancer. 

    It did. Twice in three years. 

    "I'm not lucky enough to win the lottery but I can get cancer tw

  • What Fashion’s E-Commerce and Tech Professionals Need to Know Today | BoF

    by admin on 2022-09-10 05:26:04

    Agenda-setting intelligence, analysis and advice for the global fashion community.

    Discover the most relevant industry news and insights for fashion’s e-commerce and technology professionals, updated each month to enable you to excel in job interviews, promotion conversations or perfor

  • icon-instagram

    by admin on 2022-09-10 05:24:46

    When a few months ago Nike celebrated its 50th anniversary, there wasn’t much room for self-reassuring nostalgia but, on the contrary, we witnessed a brand with spirit and ethos anew. Taking inspiration from heritage to shape an unwritten future for athleisure lies at the core of the Beavert

  • Investors shrug, once again, at Apple's latest deluge of product news • TechCrunch

    by admin on 2022-09-10 05:24:42

    Today was more than hectic. With Y Combinator’s Demo Day taking place during an Apple event, we’ve been hammering away here at TechCrunch all day. You were also likely very busy, doing whatever it is you do for work and trying to stay up to date on the news.

    So sit back and

  • The humans behind the De Anza flea market – El Estoque

    by admin on 2022-09-10 05:24:41

    Plushies, pop-its, tote bags and action figures are amongst the many items sold at the De Anza flea market

    Telling the stories of five people at the De Anza flea market

    Aashi Venkat and Lillian Wang

    In the early days of Carl Desoto’s 25 years at the De Anza flea market, h

  • Hyosung’s creora® 3D Max Spandex Helps Denim Brands Achieve Circularity | Textile World

    by admin on 2022-09-10 05:24:32

    SEOUL, South Korea — October 12, 2021 — Denim is increasingly being held to environmentally friendly standards as consumers put pressure on brands and retailers to reduce jeans’ ecological footprint.

    In response, Hyosung has developed a number of sustainable denim solutions, which

  • Remembering Issey Miyake’s Most Iconic Runway Moments - CR Fashionbook

    by admin on 2022-09-10 05:24:22

    Issey Miyake was known for a number of things—lover of pleats, pioneer in avant-garde fashion, the man behind Steve Jobs’ iconic black turtlenecks—leaving behind a legacy that will live far beyond his passing on August 5. Born in Hiroshima, Japan in 1938, Miyake is a quiet survivor of th