'Knit Happens' group offers knitters a space to share skills in a social setting | CBC News

2022-07-30 03:58:21 By : Ms. Danielle Xu

All summer long, new and experienced knitters can take advantage of a chance to pursue their craft — and maybe even hear a good yarn.

Windsor Public Library's Budimir branch is offering a new knitting group called Knit Happens on Thursday mornings.

"It's a social thing," said public service librarian Katie Vlanich, who came up with the program.

"It's something where you have been alone at home doing your craft for two years, and you just get to sit and talk to other people who are like-minded and talk about, 'Hey, how do I do this thing? Or can you help me with this?'"

CBC Radio's Windsor Morning host Nav Nanwa stopped by during the program's second week.

Vlanich said her inspiration for the program was her mother, Annie Rosella, who became an avid crafter after retiring. Vlanich saw how much her mom enjoyed attending a knitting group.

Rosella said she first learned to knit 50 years ago but has leaned into the hobby more intensely in the last five years. She finds it relaxing and fulfilling, she said.

"If you make a mistake, you just rip it out and pick it up and keep going," she said. "There's nothing that can't be fixed. When you're done, you have something that, if it's a gift, somebody is absolutely in awe of and they're thrilled with, and you made it yourself."

The program reflects a widespread shift in the role of libraries. Once primarily a place for checking out books, libraries have evolved into community hubs that offer a variety of materials to borrow and workshops and events for all ages.

"Libraries aren't what they used to be, where it was a quiet place... I always think back to [the movie] Ghostbusters with that ghost librarian who's shushing the Ghostbusters as they're going into the New York Public Library," Vlanich said. "That's not what we are anymore."

In addition to being "so much more than just books," libraries are one of the few places people can visit without having to make a purchase, Vlanich said.

Knit Happens takes place on Thursdays from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. all summer at the Budimir Library branch on Grand Marais Road West. All skill levels are welcome and any yarn crafter including crocheters can join.

With files from Windsor Morning

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